Face Lifting Treatment in Turkey

The passing of the years causes a series of more or less evident changes in the face and body. This aging process is the cause of a series of combinations of gravitational effects such as the formation of nasolabial folds, eyebrow, and eyelid ptosis, sagging of the neck, and specific aging of the skin which causes the emptying of the fat compartments and a thinning of the muscle layer and cutaneous.

To treat this type of blemishes, Lerra Clinic advises you to resort to face lifting treatment in Turkey as a rejuvenating action on the face and neck, also giving elasticity and tone to the skin.

What is a Facelift (Rhytidectomy)?

A facelift is a surgery that corrects the aesthetic defects of the face resulting from age. The facelift can be partial and is then called a mini-facelift, or total.

Facelift surgery rejuvenates the face, giving new freshness and a toned appearance to the tissues.

The facelift or rhytidectomy is a major surgery aimed to improve the appearance of the face by relaxing the skin of the face and neck, restoring freshness, and improving its contour by removing excess skin and suspending the underlying muscle layer.

The facelift can be limited to a single sector of the face (cheeks, neck) or be extended to the entire face.

The scars that remain after facelift are mostly located in the hair or in areas that are not ordinarily visible; the short stretch of scar located in front of the auricle normally becomes imperceptible within a few weeks.

The facial rejuvenation effect obtainable with rhytidectomy is enhanced by simultaneously or subsequently associating it with regional Liposuction, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, and Integration of the facial skeleton.

The outcome is generally satisfactory right from the start, even if altered by the inevitable post-operative swelling, which however regresses in the following days. The definitive result is achieved after 2–3 months.

Candidates for Face Lifting Treatment in Turkey

Men and women who wish to improve the appearance of their face, who are in good health and have realistic expectations regarding the results are candidates for facelift surgery.

Most facelifts are requested between the ages of 50 and 70, but even between the ages of 40 and 50 situations may arise that make facelift or minilifting surgery suitable.

Given that the indications depend more on appearance and state of health than age, even people over 70 can be good candidates if in good physical condition. Often, over-70s return for their second or third facelift.

It is important to understand that a facelift cannot stop the aging process but can give a rejuvenated appearance for several years (a complete facelift is approximately 8-10 years). The duration of the facelift can vary depending on age, skin type, and skin elasticity, but above all depending on the type of surgical technique and the extent of the facelift.

 The most serious risk in facelift surgery is tobacco cause: nicotine, by stimulating the nicotinic receptors present in the blood vessels of the skin, causes a powerful vasoconstriction that reduces the blood supply and therefore increases the risk of skin necrosis and scar dehiscence, which can result in disfiguring facial scarring. It is therefore mandatory to abstain from smoking at least for a period of 6/8 weeks before and after the operation. Even in this case, however, the risk remains higher in smokers than in non-smokers. The risk posed by tobacco smoking is present in all surgery, but especially in plastic surgery and to a maximum extent in face lifting.

The success of the facelift is based on the “tightness” of the facial skin which is particularly thin and devoid of the reinforcing elements present in other parts of the body. Unfortunately, the risk of tobacco smoke in facial surgery is almost always underestimated by patients, and sometimes even by many doctors.

Types of Face Lifting Treatment in Turkey

There is a great variety of facelift techniques, each designed for specific problems associated with facial aging. Our surgeon will plan the operation based on a personalized assessment shared with the patient.


 It is the most requested surgical intervention and allows one to obtain a general rejuvenation that involves the entire face, without altering its characteristic features.

Forehead and eyebrow lift

Forehead and eyebrow lift eliminates wrinkles in the upper part of the face (forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet) and can lift the parts of the face (forehead and eyebrows) that have sagged due to the advance of time.

Middle third facelift

Also known as midface lift, the middle third facelift affects the area of ​​the face between the lower eyelids and the mouth. This type of facelift is carried out above all to restore fullness and tone to the cheeks and cheekbones which – due to the physiological aging of the skin, muscles, and bones – tend to sag and become empty.

Neck lift

 The main purpose of the neck lift is to tighten the skin while removing excess adipose tissue located at the neck and chin level.

Mini facelift

For those who do not want to undergo demanding cosmetic surgery such as a facelift, it is possible to resort to a mini facelift.

The mini facelift, in fact, is a less invasive procedure than the actual facelift. This is because the purpose of the mini facelift is only to strengthen and reposition the skin tissue that has lost its tone, without intervening at the deeper tissue level as happens when carrying out a facelift.

However, the mini facelift is only performed at the level of the median third of the face and, for this reason, it can only be useful for lifting, toning, and filling cheeks and cheekbones.

Furthermore, since it is not capable of acting in depth, it is necessary to point out that the mini facelift is generally recommended for younger patients (aged between 35 and 55 years at most) who have maintained good skin elasticity.

Preparation for Facelift

Since the facelift is a real surgical operation, it requires preliminary preparation. It starts with a pre-operative specialist visit.

A facelift is a personalized intervention that must be prepared on a strictly individual basis.

 During the pre-operative visit, therefore, the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s requests, needs, and expectations, advising him on which type of facelift is most suitable in his specific case. In addition to this, the surgeon will have to evaluate the state of the patient’s skin, to check its condition and above all its elasticity, to determine whether the facelift surgery can be successful or not.

Furthermore, during the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will:

  • Evaluate the patient’s general state of health and identify the presence of pathologies and/or other contraindications to performing the facelift.
  • Exclude the presence of allergies to the anesthetic drugs used to perform the operation.
  • Objectively inform the patient about the results he can obtain by undergoing a facelift and about the side effects and complications he may encounter.
  • Provide the patient with all the instructions to follow before undergoing the operation (stop smoking at least 2-4 weeks before the facelift, stop taking medicines such as acetylsalicylic acid, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, or other drugs that can “dilute the blood “, etc.).
  • Furthermore, if necessary, the surgeon can invite the patient to carry out a series of clinical tests (blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiogram, etc.).

Benefits of Facelift

The primary goal of a facelift is to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Over time, factors such as sun exposure, gravity, repetitive movement of facial muscles, and the natural decline of collagen can cause the onset of wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of firmness. The facelift aims to:

  • significantly reduce wrinkles and skin folds, especially around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. Fine lines and deep wrinkles can be significantly diminished, providing a smoother, more youthful appearance.
  • Lift and restructure excess skin, creating a rejuvenating and tightening effect.
  • improve the definition of the cheeks, chin, and neck, giving a more toned and defined appearance.
  • Restore harmony and balance of the different parts of the face. This may involve correcting facial asymmetries or accentuating more pleasing features.
  • Through regaining a younger, fresher appearance, patients often experience a significant increase in self-confidence. A more youthful appearance can positively influence self-esteem and self-perception thanks to the facial cosmetic surgery procedure.

What Is a Non-Surgical Facelift?

The appearance of signs of aging is a natural evolutionary process that affects men and women alike.

The area of ​​the body most exposed to the passage of time is undoubtedly the face, home to signs of expression, positive and negative emotions, as well as a mirror of the individual’s habits. Aesthetic medicine offers various non-invasive treatments for facial rejuvenation: the search for soft techniques that avoid the use of the scalpel is constantly updated.

The objective is not only to counteract or attenuate the formation of wrinkles, the loss of volume and firmness of the skin, and the increase in laxity, proposing effective techniques, but also prevention.

Every year millions of people, both women, and men, opt for minimally invasive or non-surgical procedures to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and sagging skin and improve the appearance of their skin.

A non-surgical facelift, also known as a facial rejuvenation, is a combination of treatments designed to address numerous facial concerns, without the need for invasive surgery.

A non-surgical facelift is a great way to address common signs of aging, including wrinkles, loss of volume, and increased skin laxity.

Candidates for Non-Surgical Facelift

Given that the patient must enjoy a state of good general health, there are various types of candidates suitable for facial rejuvenation treatments.

As stated previously, aesthetic medicine for facial rejuvenation should not be considered only when obvious signs of aging appear but, on the contrary, it represents an important source of prevention.

The ideal candidate is generally aged 30 and over: the specialist offers ad hoc treatments based on the individual.

What Are the Advantages of Non-Surgical Facelift Treatments?

Facelift treatment rejuvenation is practically painless and has the enormous advantage of giving visible results very quickly, without upsetting the patient’s daily life.

The minimally invasive action of facelift treatments allows you to camouflage any reactions to the treatment, which disappear within a few hours or so. Furthermore, non-surgical facelift, being mostly outpatient, involves fewer risks.

It is important to underline that aesthetic medicine treatments for facial rejuvenation are not definitive, but temporary: this allows you to respect the natural aging process of the face, maintaining a natural and fresh appearance.

Non-surgical facelift procedures can be very effective in targeting:

  • Deep wrinkles and folds
  • Loss of facial volume
  • Skin tone and texture

Non-Surgical vs. Surgical Facelift

Aspect            Surgical Facelifts                                  Non-Surgical Facelifts                                 
Cost        Usually more expensive than non-surgical options Generally, more affordable than surgical facelifts       
Duration          Two to four hours to complete                       Varied, depending on the specific non-surgical procedure
Results Duration  Longer-lasting resultsResults typically not as long-lasting as surgical facelifts 
Procedure         Incisions made around the face to access deep tissue, tightening and stitchingLess invasive procedures such as laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels, which remove the outer layer of skin cells
Target Areas      Various types (e.g., traditional facelift, mid-facelift) targeting different areas of the faceTypically focuses on overall facial rejuvenation  
Recovery Time     Two to three weeks for full recoveryShorter recovery time with fewer risks for non-surgical facelifts
Risk and DiscomfortRisks include swelling, bruising, and discomfort during recoveryFewer risks and discomfort associated with non-surgical facelifts
Repeat Treatments Not necessary for long periods                       Often requires repeated treatments every few months to maintain results
Suitability       Suitable for those with profound wrinkles or very loose skinMay not be suitable for individuals with profound wrinkles or very loose skin

Advantages of Choosing Lerra Clinic for Facelift in Turkey

The first step toward achieving your desired makeover is picking the top facelift clinic in Turkey. A clinic that combines knowledge, security, and individualized care is what you should seek.
Reputable clinics, such as Lerra Clinic, stand out due to their experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and history of successful procedures. Reading patient testimonials can provide insights into the clinic’s track record. Prioritize clinics with a transparent approach, where surgeons take the time to understand your goals and concerns during a comprehensive consultation. The ideal clinic should prioritize your safety, employ stringent hygiene practices, and follow international standards. As you embark on this transformative journey, your choice of clinic can make all the difference in realizing your aesthetic aspirations with confidence and peace of mind.

Recovery and Aftercare After Facelift in Turkey

In the immediate postoperative period and in the first few days following, a liquid diet with soft foods is recommended.

The day after the operation the dressing is changed, the wounds checked, and a new dressing is applied which is lighter and smaller than the previous one. The pain is well controlled by analgesics; continue antibiotic treatment. Discharge after 24 hours.

On the third or fourth post-operative day, this dressing is replaced, and the drains will also be removed. If blepharoplasty has also been performed, the sutures from this operation will also be removed. From this moment on, patients will be able to gently wash their hair and no more bandaging will be necessary. The stitches will be removed 7 and 15 days after surgery. Patients generally, and depending on the degree of the operation, will normally be presentable within two to three weeks.

  • Resumption of physical activity
    Complete rest is expected for the first week after surgery. Bed rest is recommended in the first 24–48 hours. Afterward, you can get up, but it is advisable not to leave the house for the first 5–6 days.

During the second-third week, normal physical activities will gradually be resumed. During this period, it is not advisable to play sports or exercise, but if patients feel able to do so they can go out for walks and non-strenuous social activities.

After the third week, any other activity is permitted. It is possible to wash your hair gently after removing the dressings. Other treatments or dyes cannot be performed 3 weeks after surgery.

 Driving a car is permitted after one week. The sun is extremely harmful to the face, particularly following facial cosmetic surgery. Therefore, carefully avoid the sun, limiting exposure to a minimum and using plenty of protective creams. A hat and sunglasses can be very useful. There is almost always a certain degree of reduction in sensitivity in the front of the ear and in the neck.

 Men are advised to be extremely cautious when shaving during the post-operative period. The use of electric razors may be preferable. The use of heat must also be limited (hot compresses on the face, electric hairdryer) as the skin could be burned due to the reduction of sensitivity without the patient realizing it.

Facelift Before & After

Contact Us Today to Discover More Information About Facelift in Turkey.

Lerra Clinic will offer you a tourism program in the beautiful city of Istanbul, which means that you will return to your country after fully recovering with a new self and a beautiful face, having also enjoyed the beauty of Istanbul.

The Lerra Clinic Team will supervise your visit from the moment you arrive at the airport, through the completion of your cosmetic procedure, and until you return to the airport to return to your country safely and honorably.

 You can contact us via our phone numbers and communication channels for the best free medical advice, as well as to clarify your medical tourism program with us.


What is a facelift?

The facelift is an anti-aging procedure that corrects the most visible signs of aging on the face, tightening muscles, reducing fat, redistributing, and removing excess skin. This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia.

How long does a facelift last?

In fact, the facelift lasts approximately 6 years, but it is possible to increase the time by applying anti-aging creams and following a healthy diet.

What is the cost of a facelift in Turkey?

Facelifts in Turkey typically cost between €3000 and €5000. The total cost of a facelift in Turkey typically varies depending on several variables, including the hospital undertaken, the skill level of the surgeon, the expense of travel, and the quality of accommodation.

Which type of facelift is best?

Deep-plane facelifts are frequently the greatest facelift option for individuals who wish to seem younger without looking different or drastically changing their look since they produce the most natural, long-lasting outcome.

What is the best age for a facelift?

Talking about the right age is complicated since each case has its specificities. What is certain is that, if you want to rejuvenate your face, it is never too late for a facelift. Those who resort to facelift surgery are usually aged between 40 and 60.

How painful is a facelift?

Facelift operation is not excessively painful; however, it can be carried out with the support of local anesthesia and sedation to prevent any discomfort. After the operation, the patient will feel a slight burning sensation that is perfectly bearable and temporary.

What is the cheapest country to get a facelift?

Turkey is one of the cheapest countries to perform a facelift without sacrificing quality due to several factors, the most prominent of which is the difference in the exchange rate, which is considered rewarding, in addition to Turkey’s interest in medical tourism, and most clinics offer the advantage of packages that include accommodation, travel costs, the operation, and everything the patient needs.

What factors should I consider when deciding between non-surgical and surgical facelifts?

A surgical facelift is suitable for those with profound wrinkles or very loose skin, while a non-surgical facelift is for those who are generally aged 30 and over: the specialist offers ad hoc treatments based on the individual.

What are the potential risks associated with non-surgical facelift procedures?

Depending on the type of treatment and how your skin responses to it, some adverse effects after a procedure include bruises, headaches, nausea, wounds, or discomfort. It is crucial to constantly seek advice from and collaborate with a doctor with board certification to achieve safe and efficient outcomes and to minimize or reduce the risks involved.