How Does Chin Implant Work

A chin job, or mentoplasty, makes your chin look better by making it stick out more and shaping it. They put a hard, safe-to-use item under the skin and soft parts around your chin.
Here is how it is done:

  1. Sleep or Numbness: Most of the time, you sleep all over or just the spot will be numb, with you still half awake. It’s up to the doctor and how you feel.
  2. Cut: The doctor cuts a small line, maybe inside your mouth near your gums or under your chin where it’s not easy to see.
  3. Putting in the chin part: They make room through the cut, then the doctor puts the chin part in just right on top of your chin bones. The chin part is often made of solid rubber or other safe stuff like strong plastic or Gore-Tex.
  4. Holding the chin part down: Once the chin part sits right, the doctor might use stitches, small metal bits, or glue to keep it tight, so it stays and does not move later.
  5. Shutting the cut: When the chin part is set, they close the cut with stitches that go away on their own or special tape.

The whole thing usually takes an hour or two. After, you may feel your chin and jaw are swollen, have some color changes, and hurt for a bit while you heal.

Why Consider Getting A Chin Implant?

One may desire a chin implant for the following reasons:

  1. Balancing and Proportionate Facelifts: With a receded or weak chin, the facial features would be disproportionate which make your nose stand out more and have no clear neck. Chin augmentation may help achieve that balance in facial structure.
  2. Strengthening the Jawline: A well-chiseled jawline has always been considered a preferred feature in most faces. Hence, when combined with other procedures such as neck liposuction or facelifts, a chin implant can help beyond any reasonable doubt create stronger and well-defined jaws.
Chin Implant Surgery in Turkey at Lerra Clinic

3. Self-Belief Restoration: Some persons might feel less confident about their looks due to an underdeveloped or receded chin. In this regard, one’s self-image could be improved by a chin implant thereby boosting confidence levels.

4. Dealing with birth defects and developmental delays; some people are born with congenital abnormalities or grow up deformed, owing to which they have recessed chins; such issues can be resolved through the use of implants.

5. Supporting other aesthetic treatments: Surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty (nose job) and/or facelift are used together with chin implants to yield better results on aesthetic appeal of the face.

Pros And Cons Of Chin Implants

Just like any beauty fix, putting in a chin piece comes with good and bad points to think about:

Pros :

  • Better look for your face and its parts
  • Stronger lines around your chin
  • Feeling better about yourself and how you see you
  • The steps to do it are not hard or complex
  • The change stays (unless you take the piece out)


  • There might be problems, like germs, the piece moving, or harm to feeling in nerves
  • Your face may swell, change color, and hurt while it heals
  • Scars might show, based on where they cut
  • Your body might not accept the piece or squeeze it too tight
  • It costs money and you need a doctor who knows what they’re doing

Talk with a good doctor about what you want, what worries you, and what you expect to see if a chin piece is a good idea for you. They can tell you all about how it works, talk over any risks, and help you choose what’s best.

How Long Will The Results Last?

Chin implants are prostheses that aim at a durable correction of an unattractive chin. However, all medical devices have their own limited life span. With proper handling and care, chin implants can be there for a very long time, even lifetime. The longevity of a chin implant relies on various factors such as the type of implant material, surgical techniques applied and the healing process of the patient. High-quality solid silicone or porous polyethylene implants tend to last longer compared to others. Usually, it takes 10 – 20 years before removing or replacing the chin implants

Chin Implant Surgery in Turkey at Lerra Clinic

What Are The Risks Of Chin Augmentation?

Chin augmentation with an implant has several benefits, but it is important to consider the potential drawbacks. Surgery comes with infectious risks which are capable of necessitating the removal of implants in severe scenarios. Additional treatment might be required if there’s bleeding or blood clotting (hematoma).
There are some nerves close to where the implants are placed on the face and their injury can cause either temporary or permanent numbness, weakness, or paralysis. 
Movement of the implant over time can result in unevenness or unnatural appearance that would require corrective surgery. An uncomfortable feel, distortion or an abnormal look may develop because of capsular contracture whereby scar tissue tightens around such an implant. Rejection or allergic reaction by your body to these implants is a rare occurrence though. Scarring too is a factor to think about as its visibility depends on how you heal an incision site.
A comprehensive consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon will give you better insight into these risks and help you determine if chin augmentation is right for you.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Chin Implant Surgery?

People who could be considered good candidates for such a procedure are those that have a sunken chin. This type of surgery is performed on patients that possess a poorly developed chin, in order to enhance the overall look of their faces.
Prospective patients must be in good health generally and should not have any diseases or conditions that could interfere with recovery or increase chances of complications during or after surgery. It is desirable if someone does not smoke or is ready to quit smoking because it slows down healing and increases risks.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Chin Implant Surgery?

For realistic expectations concerning possible outcomes and limitations associated with this operation, all suitable applicants should understand what can be achieved by means of mentoplasty. If the patient wishes to avoid disappointment with final results, he/she needs to know exactly what can be obtained from inserting an implant into the lower face. The majority of patients are usually recommended for these cosmetic surgeries once they attain adult looks which come about when they pass teenage years or reach early twenties.
It may also help if one has been at a stable weight given that marked changes in weight subsequent to the operation might interfere with the positioning and quality of the implant. Additionally, candidates will need to exhibit strong emotional well-being since cosmetic procedures can be delicate emotionally as well as psychologically; thus it calls for positivity, stability and resilience throughout the post-surgery phase and unforeseen challenges.
In the end, talking to a skilled and seasoned plastic surgeon is a must. They can look at your own case, chat about what you want and think you will get, and figure out if you are a good pick for chin implant work. They can offer tips just for you and tell you about other choices if you need to think about them.

What To Expect After Chin Surgery

After getting a chin implant, people will go through a healing time where they might see some puff-up, color change, and ache. Here’s the usual stuff you see while getting better:

  • Right After Surgery: Right after the op, you may feel hurt, swollen, and tight where your chin and jaw meet. You will get some drug to help with the pain from your doc.
  • Wraps and Covers: Your chin will have a wrap or cover to keep the surgery spot safe and hold the new chin piece in place.
  • Eating Rules: For the first bit, you’ll need to eat soft or drinkable food so you don’t push on your chin when you bite.
  • Puff-up and Color Change: It’s normal to see your chin and jaw area puff-up and change color, and it could stay like this for many days. Cold packs can help make the puff-up and hurt less.
  • Do Not Do Too Much: You must stay away from hard work, picking up heavy stuff, and things that could hit your chin for many days to make sure it fixes well.
  • Feeling Numb or Tight: It’s normal to feel like you can’t feel or that it’s tight in your chin because of the op and the chin piece. This should get better slowly.
  • Check-ins: Your doc will have you come back to check on how you are doing, take out any stitches or wraps, and make sure the chin piece is in the right spot.
  • Seeing Results: It can take some months until all the swelling is gone and you can really see how the chin piece looks. You have to wait during this time.

It’s very important to do what your doc says, go to all the check-ups, and tell them if something strange or worrying happens while you heal. Taking good care and listening to what you’re told to do after the op can help make sure everything goes well and you are happy with how it turns out. 

How Much Does A Chin Implant Cost

The prices for chin implant surgery can differ depending on several factors, but let’s look at the rough figures. The average across America is about $3,379 for the actual implant itself, but that’s not all there is to it. Below are what you would generally find influencing the final costs:

  • Expertise and experience of the surgeon: Skilled practitioners in chin enhancement who are certified by their board will most likely charge more.
  • Location: Costs may vary depending on where you reside. In areas with high living costs, prices of operations may be higher.
  • Costs for anesthesia: The cost will depend upon whether a general or local anesthetic is used.
  • Fees for facilities: These will be charged in addition to the total amount as established by the surgical center or hospital.
  • Extra Procedures: If liposuction or facelift is performed concurrently with augmentation of one’s jawline, then expect overall expenses to rise.

Remember that seeing a qualified plastic surgeon is indispensable when estimating cost individually as they can include your needs and goals better yielding more accurate amounts.

Chin Implant Surgery in Turkey at Lerra Clinic

Other Cosmetic Surgery For The Chin

Putting in a chin piece isn’t the only way to make your chin look better. Take a look at some other choices:

  1. Chin surgery (cut and fix chin bone): This way, doctors change your chin bone shape by cutting. It stays that way forever but cuts more than putting in chin pieces.
  2. Skin shots: Shot in stuff can give a bit of size and shape to the chin without cutting. Yet, this fix does not last long and you need more shots over time.
  3. Chin fat breaker: This shot works on fat under the chin, giving you a sharper chin edge look. It does not need cutting but you may need a few goes to see the best change.

Every way has good and bad points. Talking with a trained face doctor can help you pick the right path to make your chin look how you want.


Chin implant surgery, otherwise known as mentoplasty, is an operation that improves the appearance of the chin and jawline by placing a firm artificial bone over the existing one. We choose this procedure to establish facial symmetry, improve an individual’s jaw line, increase self-esteem, correct birth defects or enhance other cosmetic procedures. However, there may be drawbacks associated with it such as; infection and bleeding complications, numbness or tingling sensations on the skin surface, movement of implants and in rare instances rejection. The best candidates are usually physically fit people who have receding chins, realistic expectations and emotional wellness. Swelling , bruising and discomfort usually occur during this phase which is accompanied by soft food eating guidelines and restricted activities. The average price for only the implant in America is estimated at $3,379 including additional fees. If you plan on having a chin implant done you should thoroughly research it first and consult with a certified plastic surgeon to ascertain whether it’s right for you or not based on potential risks involved along with their costs before looking into alternative methods of treatment.